Monday, February 16, 2009

Princess Reception

i have been looking at my life through rose coloured glasses.

i don't start work till1 everyday, and i finish at 5, on the dot, never a minute more. in the morning i wake up at 10, lie on the beach till 12 and cruise into work in my mini skirt and heels. after work i deliberate between the beach again, or a yoga class.

it's a great life. however, apparently unsustainable. apparently.

daddy says, now i'm 22 and no longer studying (although acting college wasn't exactly hardcore 'study') i need to pay rent. pay-what-now? so maybe i should move out. a town house near the harbour sounds glamorous...until i found out how much they cost. $240/per person a week. between you and me, that's most, almost all, of my pay check.

ok, so push comes to shove...i need to work more....full time? ew!

confession...i like my time. i like sleeping in, and having coffee and croissants at cafe's before work. i love not having responsibility at work. but i'm not all princess. i do run a social justice organisation of volunteers helping street teens, department of housing areas and overseas charities in my spare time. and i'm writing a screen play. did i just redeem myself?

so i'm at work today, (i had to pull myself out of bed for a once of all-dayer) and i'm searching for a job. something serious. or at least somewhere i can look seriously fashionable. i've tried retail, nannying, hospitality, teaching, and now i'm a receptionist. do i need to get more serious and do some more study?

b friends, any suggestions?

in other news, arms is still around, though i think we've decided it's just friend. i haven't heard from NZ boy for nearly a week. that's a record. he's doing another degree which starts today, so maybe that's why. or perhaps, say it with me...
he's just not that into me

love and hugs


  1. I know how you feel. I worked hard through college and grad school but always felt intimidated at the thought of a 10 hour work day.
    Thankfully, I managed to find a job that lets me keep small hours and work a lot from home.

  2. I thought it was a blessing when I got to go down to 40 hours a week at my current job, Before then I worked 70-80 hours. My recomendation find something that you love and don't mind working full time...

  3. Thanks! Maybe I should become a teacher and get holidays!!!

    Alice, you're totally right, problem is, the only thing i really love is acting. Ha! Good luck with that Willow!

